

1 Loading Metadata

metadata=read.table("../data/sample_data.txt", header=T)
   wl_order sample_ID site  year samp_period water_level  temp sp_comd
1         1        S1    A y2012         nov        none    NA      NA
2         1        S2    B y2012         nov        none    NA      NA
3         1        S3    C y2012         nov        none    NA      NA
4         2        S4    A y2013         may         low 20.00   8.360
5         2        S5    B y2013         may         low 20.50   8.300
6         2        S6    C y2013         may         low 20.30   8.300
7         3        S7    A y2013         oct        high 26.50   6.530
8         3        S8    B y2013         oct        high 26.16   6.400
9         3        S9    C y2013         oct        high 25.42   6.478
10        4       S10    A y2014         may      medium 24.99  11.590
11        4       S11    B y2014         may      medium 25.45  11.580
12        4       S12    C y2014         may      medium 25.22  11.600
   salt   pH season_year wl_order season
1    NA   NA   Autumn_12        1 Autumn
2    NA   NA   Autumn_12        1 Autumn
3    NA   NA   Autumn_12        1 Autumn
4  4.70 8.60   Spring_13        2 Spring
5  4.69 8.61   Spring_13        2 Spring
6  4.71 8.59   Spring_13        2 Spring
7  3.66 7.90   Autumn_13        3 Autumn
8  3.56 8.06   Autumn_13        3 Autumn
9  3.59 8.07   Autumn_13        3 Autumn
10 6.62 8.09   Spring_14        4 Spring
11 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4 Spring
12 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4 Spring

2 Loading genera table

gen_otu<- as.matrix(read.table("../data/genus.tab", header=T, row.names=1))
genOTU=otu_table(gen_otu, taxa_are_rows=T)

data.frame(Sample_ID=metadata$sample_ID, Site=metadata$site, Year=metadata$year, 
           Period=metadata$samp_period, Water_level=metadata$water_level, Season=metadata$season_year, 
           wl_order=metadata$wl_order, Temperature=metadata$temp,Conductivity=metadata$sp_comd, Sal=metadata$salt,
           pH=metadata$pH, row.names=sample_names((mats2)))-> o1
sampledata= sample_data(o1)
    Sample_ID Site  Year Period Water_level    Season wl_order Temperature
S1         S1    A y2012    nov        none Autumn_12        1          NA
S2         S2    B y2012    nov        none Autumn_12        1          NA
S3         S3    C y2012    nov        none Autumn_12        1          NA
S4         S4    A y2013    may         low Spring_13        2       20.00
S5         S5    B y2013    may         low Spring_13        2       20.50
S6         S6    C y2013    may         low Spring_13        2       20.30
S7         S7    A y2013    oct        high Autumn_13        3       26.50
S8         S8    B y2013    oct        high Autumn_13        3       26.16
S9         S9    C y2013    oct        high Autumn_13        3       25.42
S10       S10    A y2014    may      medium Spring_14        4       24.99
S11       S11    B y2014    may      medium Spring_14        4       25.45
S12       S12    C y2014    may      medium Spring_14        4       25.22
    Conductivity  Sal   pH
S1            NA   NA   NA
S2            NA   NA   NA
S3            NA   NA   NA
S4         8.360 4.70 8.60
S5         8.300 4.69 8.61
S6         8.300 4.71 8.59
S7         6.530 3.66 7.90
S8         6.400 3.56 8.06
S9         6.478 3.59 8.07
S10       11.590 6.62 8.09
S11       11.580 6.61 8.31
S12       11.600 6.61 8.31

3 Get the diversity index with Phyloseq

mats2=phyloseq(genOTU, sampledata)
cbind (div_alpha2,Pielou2)->div_alpha2
write.table(div_alpha2, "../data/diversidad_genus.txt", sep="\t")
cbind (div_alpha2,Pielou2, metadata)->div_alpha2
    Observed     Chao1 se.chao1       ACE   se.ACE  Shannon   Simpson
S1       791  893.3529 22.24987  907.2252 15.07986 5.182797 0.9848085
S2       595  797.3239 41.70870  749.0884 13.54643 4.560236 0.9732375
S3       909 1082.7879 33.59760 1071.0955 16.51527 4.933919 0.9762544
S4       904 1078.6901 37.09365 1027.8185 16.05490 5.234497 0.9861490
S5       886 1053.0000 34.21966 1014.5400 15.83336 5.043441 0.9805729
S6       788  988.6800 40.76315  940.0626 15.41020 5.145337 0.9823072
S7       957 1103.3505 29.57780 1088.5515 16.52654 5.232292 0.9844902
S8       903  998.4130 21.66008  993.0575 15.65848 4.951102 0.9713006
S9       906 1087.8354 37.11671 1038.1193 15.94765 5.197987 0.9810412
S10      834 1002.7647 36.55029  942.0853 15.16222 5.159896 0.9815375
S11      774  933.0789 33.77470  896.7198 14.89700 4.786693 0.9678326
S12      893 1070.7051 36.58297 1025.1678 15.95616 5.195627 0.9822210
    InvSimpson   Fisher   Pielou2   Pielou2 wl_order sample_ID site  year
S1    65.82615 155.5618 0.7766470 0.7766470        1        S1    A y2012
S2    37.36565 126.3525 0.7138126 0.7138126        1        S2    B y2012
S3    42.11305 162.2370 0.7242615 0.7242615        1        S3    C y2012
S4    72.19675 162.7804 0.7690066 0.7690066        2        S4    A y2013
S5    51.47443 164.1531 0.7431341 0.7431341        2        S5    B y2013
S6    56.52022 160.9427 0.7714729 0.7714729        2        S6    C y2013
S7    64.47528 180.5816 0.7623021 0.7623021        3        S7    A y2013
S8    34.84397 165.0920 0.7274910 0.7274910        3        S8    B y2013
S9    52.74587 173.3913 0.7633951 0.7633951        3        S9    C y2013
S10   54.16386 162.2279 0.7671301 0.7671301        4       S10    A y2014
S11   31.08737 152.2825 0.7196333 0.7196333        4       S11    B y2014
S12   56.24616 168.2027 0.7646715 0.7646715        4       S12    C y2014
    samp_period water_level  temp sp_comd salt   pH season_year wl_order
S1          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S2          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S3          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S4          may         low 20.00   8.360 4.70 8.60   Spring_13        2
S5          may         low 20.50   8.300 4.69 8.61   Spring_13        2
S6          may         low 20.30   8.300 4.71 8.59   Spring_13        2
S7          oct        high 26.50   6.530 3.66 7.90   Autumn_13        3
S8          oct        high 26.16   6.400 3.56 8.06   Autumn_13        3
S9          oct        high 25.42   6.478 3.59 8.07   Autumn_13        3
S10         may      medium 24.99  11.590 6.62 8.09   Spring_14        4
S11         may      medium 25.45  11.580 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4
S12         may      medium 25.22  11.600 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4
S1  Autumn
S2  Autumn
S3  Autumn
S4  Spring
S5  Spring
S6  Spring
S7  Autumn
S8  Autumn
S9  Autumn
S10 Spring
S11 Spring
S12 Spring

4 Save output

mats2=phyloseq(genOTU, sampledata)
cbind (div_alpha2,Pielou2)->div_alpha2
write.table(div_alpha2, "../data/alpharichness_genus.txt", sep="\t")
cbind (div_alpha2,Pielou2, metadata)->div_alpha2
    Observed     Chao1 se.chao1       ACE   se.ACE  Shannon   Simpson
S1       791  893.3529 22.24987  907.2252 15.07986 5.182797 0.9848085
S2       595  797.3239 41.70870  749.0884 13.54643 4.560236 0.9732375
S3       909 1082.7879 33.59760 1071.0955 16.51527 4.933919 0.9762544
S4       904 1078.6901 37.09365 1027.8185 16.05490 5.234497 0.9861490
S5       886 1053.0000 34.21966 1014.5400 15.83336 5.043441 0.9805729
S6       788  988.6800 40.76315  940.0626 15.41020 5.145337 0.9823072
S7       957 1103.3505 29.57780 1088.5515 16.52654 5.232292 0.9844902
S8       903  998.4130 21.66008  993.0575 15.65848 4.951102 0.9713006
S9       906 1087.8354 37.11671 1038.1193 15.94765 5.197987 0.9810412
S10      834 1002.7647 36.55029  942.0853 15.16222 5.159896 0.9815375
S11      774  933.0789 33.77470  896.7198 14.89700 4.786693 0.9678326
S12      893 1070.7051 36.58297 1025.1678 15.95616 5.195627 0.9822210
    InvSimpson   Fisher   Pielou2   Pielou2 wl_order sample_ID site  year
S1    65.82615 155.5618 0.7766470 0.7766470        1        S1    A y2012
S2    37.36565 126.3525 0.7138126 0.7138126        1        S2    B y2012
S3    42.11305 162.2370 0.7242615 0.7242615        1        S3    C y2012
S4    72.19675 162.7804 0.7690066 0.7690066        2        S4    A y2013
S5    51.47443 164.1531 0.7431341 0.7431341        2        S5    B y2013
S6    56.52022 160.9427 0.7714729 0.7714729        2        S6    C y2013
S7    64.47528 180.5816 0.7623021 0.7623021        3        S7    A y2013
S8    34.84397 165.0920 0.7274910 0.7274910        3        S8    B y2013
S9    52.74587 173.3913 0.7633951 0.7633951        3        S9    C y2013
S10   54.16386 162.2279 0.7671301 0.7671301        4       S10    A y2014
S11   31.08737 152.2825 0.7196333 0.7196333        4       S11    B y2014
S12   56.24616 168.2027 0.7646715 0.7646715        4       S12    C y2014
    samp_period water_level  temp sp_comd salt   pH season_year wl_order
S1          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S2          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S3          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S4          may         low 20.00   8.360 4.70 8.60   Spring_13        2
S5          may         low 20.50   8.300 4.69 8.61   Spring_13        2
S6          may         low 20.30   8.300 4.71 8.59   Spring_13        2
S7          oct        high 26.50   6.530 3.66 7.90   Autumn_13        3
S8          oct        high 26.16   6.400 3.56 8.06   Autumn_13        3
S9          oct        high 25.42   6.478 3.59 8.07   Autumn_13        3
S10         may      medium 24.99  11.590 6.62 8.09   Spring_14        4
S11         may      medium 25.45  11.580 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4
S12         may      medium 25.22  11.600 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4
S1  Autumn
S2  Autumn
S3  Autumn
S4  Spring
S5  Spring
S6  Spring
S7  Autumn
S8  Autumn
S9  Autumn
S10 Spring
S11 Spring
S12 Spring

5 Metabolic diversity

5.1 Create phyloseq object

pfam_tab<- as.matrix(read.table("../data/mats_abundances.sort.tab", header=T, row.names=1))
pfamOTU=otu_table(pfam_tab, taxa_are_rows=T)
data.frame(Sample_ID=metadata$sample_ID, Site=metadata$site, Year=metadata$year, 
           Period=metadata$samp_period, Water_level=metadata$water_level, Season=metadata$season_year, 
           wl_order=metadata$wl_order, Temperature=metadata$temp,Conductivity=metadata$sp_comd, Sal=metadata$salt,
           pH=metadata$pH, row.names=sample_names((pfam)))-> o2
sampledata= sample_data(o2)

Sampledata= sample_data(o2)
pfam=phyloseq(pfamOTU, sampledata)

6 Estimate richness

cbind (div_alpha_p,Pielou, metadata)->div_alpha_p
    Observed    Chao1  se.chao1      ACE   se.ACE  Shannon   Simpson
S1      6629 7916.856  92.49518 7786.558 44.12164 7.554437 0.9987244
S2      5167 6108.427  77.14891 5951.651 38.07480 7.564737 0.9988252
S3      6162 7151.772  80.13313 7034.084 41.61839 7.536980 0.9987023
S4      7090 8625.982 107.24925 8428.463 45.96354 7.568078 0.9987335
S5      6695 7978.183  94.12588 7803.488 44.01618 7.564408 0.9987472
S6      6123 7298.951  92.23206 7080.825 41.78794 7.485337 0.9986792
S7      7014 8649.187 114.58063 8350.412 45.63128 7.542102 0.9986914
S8      6378 7532.949  92.09878 7286.888 42.15693 7.491470 0.9986547
S9      6782 7972.291  89.60556 7793.669 43.75053 7.489023 0.9985754
S10     6399 7538.322  86.32907 7425.114 42.94990 7.517991 0.9986962
S11     5839 6744.615  74.79114 6683.076 40.48225 7.428460 0.9986031
S12     6490 7734.991  96.53433 7479.144 42.80138 7.475839 0.9986526
    InvSimpson   Fisher    Pielou wl_order wl_order sample_ID site  year
S1    783.9485 1332.195 0.8585359        1        1        S1    A y2012
S2    851.2295 1194.940 0.8847597        1        1        S2    B y2012
S3    770.6060 1164.599 0.8637227        1        1        S3    C y2012
S4    789.6073 1341.744 0.8535644        2        2        S4    A y2013
S5    798.1962 1296.143 0.8587023        2        2        S5    B y2013
S6    757.1067 1167.858 0.8584292        2        2        S6    C y2013
S7    764.1924 1315.046 0.8516699        3        3        S7    A y2013
S8    743.3185 1146.695 0.8551311        3        3        S8    B y2013
S9    701.9396 1241.477 0.8489004        3        3        S9    C y2013
S10   767.0120 1234.050 0.8578366        4        4       S10    A y2014
S11   715.8911 1079.173 0.8565718        4        4       S11    B y2014
S12   742.1443 1162.121 0.8516545        4        4       S12    C y2014
    samp_period water_level  temp sp_comd salt   pH season_year wl_order
S1          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S2          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S3          nov        none    NA      NA   NA   NA   Autumn_12        1
S4          may         low 20.00   8.360 4.70 8.60   Spring_13        2
S5          may         low 20.50   8.300 4.69 8.61   Spring_13        2
S6          may         low 20.30   8.300 4.71 8.59   Spring_13        2
S7          oct        high 26.50   6.530 3.66 7.90   Autumn_13        3
S8          oct        high 26.16   6.400 3.56 8.06   Autumn_13        3
S9          oct        high 25.42   6.478 3.59 8.07   Autumn_13        3
S10         may      medium 24.99  11.590 6.62 8.09   Spring_14        4
S11         may      medium 25.45  11.580 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4
S12         may      medium 25.22  11.600 6.61 8.31   Spring_14        4
S1  Autumn
S2  Autumn
S3  Autumn
S4  Spring
S5  Spring
S6  Spring
S7  Autumn
S8  Autumn
S9  Autumn
S10 Spring
S11 Spring
S12 Spring
write.table(div_alpha_p, "../data/alpharichness_pfam.txt", sep="\t")

7 Plot richness

# Plot diversity by Pfams

pG=plot_richness(mats2, x="Site", color="Season")
pG+ geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.7)

pf=plot_richness(pfam, x="Site", color="Season")
pf + geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.7)


8 Rarefaction curves

8.0.1 Site A


cbind(Acum_1_A, Acum_2_A, Acum_3_A, Acum_4_A)->acumulativa.A

acumulativa.A[1:3, 1:4]
                            Acum_1_A Acum_2_A Acum_3_A Acum_4_A
Bacteria_unclassified           1438     3363     5301     7702
Desulfatitalea                   187      246     1212     1711
Proteobacteria_unclassified     1089     2750     4341     5812

8.0.2 Site A


cbind(Acum_1_B, Acum_2_B, Acum_3_B, Acum_4_B)->acumulativa.B

8.0.3 Site B


cbind(Acum_1_C, Acum_2_C, Acum_3_C, Acum_4_C)->acumulativa.C

9 Plot graph

rarecurve(t(acumulativa.A), main="Rarefaction curve Site A",leyend=T, ylab="Genera", col=c("cornflowerblue","lightcoral","orange","slateblue"))
legend("right", legend=c("acum1 = NOV12", "acum2=+MAY13","acum3=+OCT13","acum4=+MAY14"),fill=c("cornflowerblue","lightcoral","orange","slateblue"),title="Season", 
       cex= .7, title.adj=0.3, bty="0")

rarecurve(t(acumulativa.B), main="Rarefaction curve Site B",leyend=T, ylab="Genera", col=c("cornflowerblue","lightcoral","orange","slateblue"))
legend("right", legend=c("acum1 = NOV12", "acum2=+MAY13","acum3=+OCT13","acum4=+MAY14"),fill=c("cornflowerblue","lightcoral","orange","slateblue"),title="Season", 
       cex= .7, title.adj=0.3, bty="0")

rarecurve(t(acumulativa.C), main="Rarefaction curve at genus level Site C",leyend=T, ylab="Genera", col=c("cornflowerblue","lightcoral","orange","slateblue"))
legend("right", legend=c("acum1 = NOV12", "acum2=+MAY13","acum3=+OCT13","acum4=+MAY14"),fill=c("cornflowerblue","lightcoral","orange","slateblue"),title="Season", 
       cex= .7, title.adj=0.3, bty="0")
