Authors =============================================================================== MEBS is designed, created and maintained by Valerie De Anda at the University of Texas at Austin, USA ( Bruno Contrearas Moreira at the Laboratory of Computational Biology at Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD/CSIC in Zaragoza, Spain, and Cesar Augusto Hernandez at the Cellular Physiology Institute of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico ( The program was written mostly by Valerie De Anda, Bruno Contreras-Moreira and Cesar Augusto Hernandez, but includes code and binaries from other authors: Perl5 (, preinstalled in most Linux systems HMMER 3.1b2 ( Pfam ( , PubMed=19920124) Key literature references: ================================================================================ 1. De Anda V, Zapata-Peñasco I, Poot-Hernandez AC, Eguiarte LE, Contreras-Moreira B, Souza V. MEBS, a software platform to evaluate large (meta)genomic collections according to their metabolic machinery: unraveling the sulfur cycle. Gigascience. 2017 Nov 1;6(11):1-17. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/gix096. PMID: 29069412; PMCID: PMC5737871. 2.De Anda V, Zapata-Peñasco I, Blaz J, Poot-Hernández AC, Contreras-Moreira B, González-Laffitte M, Gámez-Tamariz N, Hernández-Rosales M, Eguiarte LE, Souza V. Understanding the Mechanisms Behind the Response to Environmental Perturbation in Microbial Mats: A Metagenomic-Network Based Approach. Front Microbiol. 2018 Nov 28;9:2606. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02606. PMID: 30555424; PMCID: PMC6280815. 3.Langwig MV, De Anda V, Dombrowski N, Seitz KW, Rambo IM, Greening C, Teske AP, Baker BJ. Large-scale protein level comparison of Deltaproteobacteria reveals cohesive metabolic groups. ISME J. 2021 Jul 30. doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-01057-y. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34331018. System requirements and installation: ================================================================================ This software has been tested in Linux and MacOSX systems. The software is composed of 3 main scripts (, and written in perl, python3 and python3 respectively. 1. mebspl : In order to use you only need to have perl and hmmsearch installed To install hmmsearch see documentation webpage to obtain and compile HMMER from source: $ brew install hmmer # OS/X, HomeBrew $ port install hmmer # OS/X, MacPorts $ apt install hmmer # Linux (Ubuntu, Debian...) $ dnf install hmmer # Linux (Fedora) $ yum install hmmer # Linux (older Fedora) $ conda install -c bioconda hmmer # Anaconda 2. For the visualization script you will need python >= 3.6.2 and several python modules numpy matplotlib pandas seaborn To install the above modules including python3 $ sudo apt-get install python3 # Linux (Ubuntu, Debian..) $ sudo pip3 install -U pip # Linux (Ubuntu, Debian..) $ sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pandas # Linux (Ubuntu, Debian..) $ sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade numpy # Linux (Ubuntu, Debian..) $ sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade scipy # Linux (Ubuntu, Debian..) $ sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade seaborn # Linux (Ubuntu, Debian..) Conda option Istall conda or miniconda depending of your needs. See webpage for more info Once conda is installed activate conda and use the yml file provided with mebs. conda activate conda env create -f mebs.yml conda activate mebs_env